InstaClean - Organise your Inbox

 Unsubscribe & Bulk Delete Emails in just a few minutes.

InstaClean is an Email Inbox Cleaner that that lets you Organise your mailbox with ease and supports most of the Email Service Providers.   

InstaClean users have cleaned more than 5 Million Junk Emails.

InstaClean Features

- Supports all major email service providers.
- Unsubscribe from newsletters and subscription emails.
- Bulk Delete Emails by Sender, Label, or Size.

Why you need InstaClean?

With your consent, InstaClean connects to your Inbox securely and automatically lists the mailing lists. You can easily decide which mailing lists to unsubscribe from. It allows you to easily filter spam emails and delete unwanted emails.

Your Data Privacy:

We respect your data privacy and do not transfer your personal data to third parties. We love being transparent and continue taking all the possible steps to explain to our users what data is being collected and how it is used. Any data that is shared with third parties will be anonymized and aggregated. For more Privacy information, please read the Privacy Policy.

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